Ummmm...okay Rihanna and Em started off the show. The performance was gr8 and all...but yall knoooo I have sumthin 2 say about Rihanna's hair. LOL. (clears throat)....BITCH get that shit outta yo head gurl! I see Chris brown really beat sum sense outta that ass bitch becuz look at you. Dont nobody wear no Kool-Aid fun fizz hair 2 the damn awards bitch. Get it 2gether hunny. #Dead. lol. Moving on.......

Chelsea Handler hosted the show..and bitch let me say this....usually she is very funny 2 me...but idk wtf happen last nite!!! The funniest thing she did was this Lady GaGa entrance. lol. And the Nick Cannon joke. Other than that she sucked last nite. Moving on....

My bitch Lady GaGa won every award last nite! LOL. Who the fuck didnt kno this bitch was gone win everything! lol. And that dress.....WORK HUNNY! lol. Im so glad that she won them all. She really deserves it. But even tho she won..im pissed that.....

Justin Beiber won Best New Artist over Nicki Minaj!!!! Are u kidding me?!?!?!?! I was sooo highly pissed that Nicki was out beat by little cunt that hasn't even hit puberty at the age of 17! How dare you MTV! Im tired of Justin's lesbian lookin ass stealin all the shine from other artist! This little bitch can even play the drums!!

Noooooooooooo!!!!! I cant I cant I cant!!! Will this bastards balls hurry up and drop so his voice can get deep and end his career! GOD!!! LOL...moving on.....

Usher completely ripped the fuckin stage last nite!!! But I got one question.............Does anybody else think...that Usher is touchin on Justin Beiber's little we-we?? Im just sayin. Lawd forgive me. Moving on......

I soooooo wanna see a song happen with these 2 bitches! Love them. Just had 2 say that. Moving on......

Ummmmm okay...when I seen this bitch I was like WTF!!! LOL. But this little white bitch can blow! lol. And the song was pretty hot! Especially the performance. So big ups 2 u bitch! U gained a fan. (like i really matter) lol. Moving on....

............................now bitch...............u kno u was wrong for this..............I cant! lol. Was I the only one actually waiting and looking 4 Kanye to come on stage and smack that bitch and say "I like your song and all, and ima let you finish...but Billy Ray Cyrus is one of the best guitar players of all time" Lmao! Taylor wtf was that! Hoe u had a betta performance last year when u was excepting your award...wink wink...lol. Anyways.......

My husband, The love of my life, My rock...lol Drake shut the stage down with Ms. Mary J! Yasssssss hunny. U old bitch u betta work! Love you Mary! And wasnt my man lookin good yall? lol. I picked that outfit out 4 him..Yassss hunny.....bitch dont look at me like that! I have dreams 2! LOL. (more like fantasies) lmao! Anyway lets keep i movin hunny yasss!.....

.......bitch who the fuck are you? NEXT.......................

Cher gave me everything I needed last nite hunny. She served me! LOL. Look at that wig piece! Yassssss!! Look at this old bitch showin her stomach!!! Yasssss!!!! She just gave me life!!! I liiivvveeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Next!!

.........All I gotta say is....Lady GaGa......plus Cher.........equals.......GAY HEAVEN!!!!!! Yassssssssss!!!!!!! Moving on!!!

Kanye West did the shitty show some justice by closing the show out. And the performance was gr8! The song..amazing. Im so feeling Kanye rite now. And im just now realizing how sexy he actually is. lol. I think I might have another man yall! Yassss bitch! lol.
ALL AROUND THOUGHTS: Well the show pretty much sucked. First of all...NO BLACK ARTIST WON AN AWARD!!!! MTV is the most racist station ever. Last years show was way betta. This year im disappointed. So what do you gys think?? lol. Hmmmmm???
well lets start my opinion on the VMA's..well 1.rihanna...honey I love style, love the hair, and the way you arranged your vocals for your performence (coming from someone who can sing)
2.Chelsea...I loved it you where up to dated and current..great job!!
3.LADY GAGA!!!............enough said...loved every momment!!
4.justin beiber.......you were great on the drums.....but honestly I dnt like you at this point and time....give it sometime..ok ( like 10yrs)
6.katy perry & nicki minaj.........can we menage friday??? so sexually I love it!!!
7.the women in the beautifully (natural) red hair...the name of her band is florence + the machince..and they are amazing...she is a classicly trained vocalist...and she can blow!!!
8.talyor's song beleive it or not was about west and what he did last year...if you paying attetion??? but she was ok....
10. chick with the white hair........I like!.....so different??
11.when cher came out on stage I saw the rainbow shine again brighter than it ever did...and for her to be in her late 60s.....honey fuck black dont crack....a queen will always and forever conquer!!!
12. Kanye west you have won back my heart!!! I the new music and your new boby dude lookin good daddy!!
13. Over-all I enjoyed the show and it was great....soooo I wonder what will happen next year??? well I guess I'll have to wait.....
Justin Beiber won Best New Artist over Nicki Minaj!!!! Are u kidding me?!?!?!?! I was sooo highly pissed that Nicki was out beat by little cunt that hasn't even hit puberty at the age of 17! How dare you MTV! Im tired of Justin's lesbian lookin ass stealin all the shine from other artist! This little bitch can even play the drums!!
-He is/was the best new artist!!!!!
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